Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Oct. 30, 2008
It's a lazy and quiet morning. The kids are behaving (so far). Merrick is at school, Ethan is reading, Sophie is busy playing with the cars, the cats are sleeping and the dog is outside with Tim.

Tim has been laid off from his job for 2 weeks now, and we have both been exploring the job market. I even had a job interview. It's been almost 4 years since I've had a job. So I feel a little out of date and a whole lot nervous.

Ring, Ring

"Hello....You do....I did.....Ummm, Sure.....Monday, that's fine.......9 a.m., good.........Okay, Thank you."

Honey, I got the job. Looks like Daddy Daycare starts on Monday. Have fun.......

Thursday, November 6, 2008

1st Anniversary

We've been blogging now for over a year. Our first entry date was Nov. 4th, 2007. Just after Sophie was born! Tim found this wonderful site and set us up. It's been a lot of fun sharing a whole year of our lives with you all. Thank you for logging in and checking us out.

Merrick's Award's

Just wanted to share with everone Merrick's Jack Pine-Highland awards.

His name & his number (11) are inscribed on the gold plate at the base.

This is the medal they all received.