Tuesday, January 27, 2009

New Photo's

No, the following photo's are not of rehersal (and there won't be any of rehersal either, until Tim sneaks back in here). For those of you who check the blog just for photo's of the kids (Steph), I'm very sorry that we haven't posted any since Nov. As Tim said earlier, I've been working 40 hr. weeks and then rehersing 8+ hrs on top of that.

Tim's been great with the kids and picking up the extra slack that my being gone has created. He's a trully wonderful man!!! (I still don't let him near the laundry though!)

So anyway, without to much more commentary here are the real stars of the blog:

Inside this lovely big box was about 6 other lovely wrapped presents.
He had fun with that one.

Ethan & Sophie crawled between the dog kennel and the blanket to riffle thru Merrick wallet. After I took this photo, I let Merrick know that they had it.

Sophie was so comfy with Aunt Steph, she was ready for a nap.

Sophie's first visit with Santa. She did rather well, but Ethan wouldn't go any closer than what was nessary to get his candy cane.

"I didn't do it"
"What's this, huh huh, me next, me next"
"OH Mom"
These Wii boxer's were the closest thing to a Wii that Merrick got this Christmas.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Tiny update

Just a short post tonight to see if anyone is still checking our blog on occasion. As my wife reminds me, I have been terribly remiss in adding to our blog. No new pictures or updates since Christmas. I should just be taken out back of the shed and flogged with a wet noodle. I usually leave the picture taking to Christy because for some reason mine all come out blurry...or at least most of them come out that way. I will try to get Christy to take some pictures this weekend and get them posted to the blog within the next week.

And why can't Christy take pictures during the week you ask? She is rather busy at the moment. Besides working a 40-hour a week job she is currently rehearsing for the lead in a play that the Clare Community Theater will be putting on this St. Patrick's Day weekend here in Clare. The play is called "Lafferty's Wake" and she plays the part of Kathleen. I know she will do a wonderful job and she really enjoys acting. The only downside to the play is that Christy puts in long hours away from home during the week, but she makes up for it on the weekends. I will try to gets some photos of rehearsals and see about posting them as well.

Well, I think that will be all for this short post. We are thinking of you all and hope you are having a wonderful January.