Saturday, December 1, 2007

'Tis the Season...

'Tis the Season for Christmas parties, lot's of food, icky snow/ice, snow days, and spending extra time with good friends and family.

This past Saturday (the 1st) I had 2 Christmas parties to attend. The first was for our womens group from church, and the second was for the Christian Cowboys. That Saturday was also the day all the nasty snow/ice started to pour in. We made it safely to each party and more importantly, we made it safely home. Here's a shot of the two youngest dressed up for the fun:

Ethan's shirt says: "Dear Santa, I can explaine."

We all snuggled in for the winter storm and enjoyed the rest of the weekend together. Merrick ended up having 2 snowdays. He enjoyed the time at home and outside.

We don't live far from our church, and during the winter Merrick enjoys sledding/boarding down the large hill that the church sit's on. He was sledding down the hill, that was covered in a nice layer of ice, when he put to much weight on the front part of his sled. It caught under a lip in the ice and sent him for a header.

The sled survived, it came away untouched, with nary a scratch. Merrick on the other hand. Well the photo shows you his head. What you don't see are is cut up hands, and any other bruises that he may have gotten in his tumble. I don't think he'll be going down it much this winter, at least not after it beat him up.

So I'd like to leave you with the following links. My Aunt Ginger sent my mom the cutiest email, and mom sent it me. Once I saw it, I knew I had to 'elf' the kids. That turned out so well, I had to 'elf' the cats. Then I figured I'd better 'elf' Tim & myself as well. I hope you enjoy, and elf youself. - the kids - the cats - Tim & I


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