Saturday, April 5, 2008

Where has the time gone....

Where has the time gone? Christmas came and went soooo fast and now it's April! Merrick joined basketball and had a good season. He was on the 7th grade B team. They were a good team. Winning a majority of their games. We took Sophie & Ethan to a few and Sophie had fun watching the boys run from one end to the other. Ethan wanted to get out there and play too. It was busy, but fun.

Ethan was able to get outside into the snow for the first time in Feb. He is our outdoor boy! He loves being outside so much that when it's time to come in (even if he's frozen) he throw's a fit. However for almost an hour he was dressed in about 3 - 4 layers of clothes (no snowpants), with his pants rubberbanded over his boots to keep snow out. He had a blast!

Ethan turned 2 on Feb. 17th. He had a wonderful time opening all his gifts and playing with them.
Sophie had her 4 month check in March and then cut her first tooth on March 12th with the second tooth comming in on March 17th. At her last weigh-in she was 15 lb. 9 oz. We are so happy that she's starting to chunck-up. She's currently working on rolling over, but is having more fun with her feet.
This year is off to a wonderful start! Tim & I just celebrated our 3rd anniversary! It doesn't even feel like 3 years. I was soooo lucky to have him back in my life so that we can be where we are today. He is trully a most wonderful man!!!

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