Friday, July 11, 2008

The Parade

Our 4th of July parade is small compared to the St. Patrick's Day parade. That one is huge. This one is very political. It's also good for advertising. The shop that Tim works for TK Motorsports & Marine ( happened to have a few items in the parade this year. Tim & Ethan were also in the parade. Ethan had fun waving to everyone and Sophie, grandma & I sat on the curb and collected all the candy & political papers that were thrown/handed our way. Because Sophie was so cute in her Firecracker bib, she got a lot of attention from the parade people.

Here are some shots of the fun:

They are pulling a boat behind them. TK had about 4 vehicles pulling things in this parade.

Okay, it has to be said a man named Shooter running for Sheriff. The horse is cool. But really Sherriff Shooter........need I say more?
Finally asleep with all her 4th of July "bling"
We got a coupon for a free kids cone at the local icecream parlor. This is the aftermath

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