Thursday, October 23, 2008


Tim wasn't able to do much with the cowboys this year, but he did make it to Bay City. We always enjoy the Bay City show a lot. After being at the Renissance Fest. and then going to Bay City, WOW the difference. Bay City hosts an event called The River of Time. They have various reinactment groups from come in and do different time periods (the Revolutionary War, fur traders, WW1, WW2, Civil War, early boyscouts, Aberham Lincoln, etc.). This event is set up next to the river in a large park and you can walk around and watch different battles, and other stuff. At the Renissance Fest it felt cramped and a whole lot dirty. Both events were fun, and very different.
Here's some photo's of my favorite cowboy and the crew:

The crew of Christian Cowboys

Ethan was able to crawl inside this sniper nest WWII and put on the helmet and pretend to shoot the gun. He didn't want to come out.

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