Sunday, November 4, 2007

Great things come in little packages...

A welcome edition joined our family on Friday, October 26, 2007. Sophia Catharine McKinney arrived at 3:14 pm, after a very short labor for Christy. Sophia was 8 lbs. 5oz. and 19 3/4 in. long. Sophia came with a full head of dark hair and both her and Mommy were given a clean bill of health. Mom and Sophia stayed in the hospital only 28 hours or so before going home.

Big brothers Merrick and Ethan really enjoy having a new little sister in the family. Merrick wanted a little sister from the beginning. When he first got to the hospital we couldn't keep him out of the nursery. Sophia had to be under oxygen for a little bit, and big brother was checking to make sure she was okay. The nurses & doctor commented on what a wonderful big brother he is.

Ethan was not so easily taken with little sister. In fact he was not at all impressed.

Now, however, Ethan likes to run into the nursury when Sophia is crying in her crib and climb up on the rail to check on her. If we are not quick enough, he will come and find us to let us know she needs us. He is very taken with her now, and loves to give her kisses. Ethan is also a wonderfull big brother!

Merrick is finding out that holding a sleeping baby makes one sleepy.

1 comment:

  1. wow what chubby cheeks!! congrats on a beautiful baby!!

    Katie Shafer
