Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Student of Promise


We just recieved a letter today (Nov. 28th) letting us know that Merrick was accepted into a program thru Mid Michigan Community College called Student of Promise. Merrick was 1 of 25 students chosen out of the many students nominated within 5 school districts.
The program follows them from 7th grade to graduation. Each year of the program deals with a different goal. The first couple of years (7th & 8th grade) deal with showing the kids what they can be/do when they grow up and how to give back to their community. They bring in guest speakers, or travel to a museum or a zoo, and many other places.

This program is only in its 2nd year, so Merrick is starting out at ground level. This program will give Merrick a wonderful opportunity to experience the world, set and achieve personal & educational goals, create a peer support group, and when its time to think about collage it will help with applications & looking for scholarships and grants and financial aid. There is also the possibility of a 2 year scholarship to MMCC. Which would offer Merrick time to get his basics, save some extra money, and decide upon a university.

This program will also help keep Merrick focused on his school performance. One of the nice things about this program is that it also goes thru the summer, keeping them in touch with their peers as well as their goals.
Tim and I are very proud of Merrick, he worked hard to obtain this honor. He had to fill out an application for them to review and he spent several days working on the questions and it must have paid off.
The activities that the kids attend are parent free, so unfortunately I won't have tons of cool photos to post. But that is a small price to pay for Merrick's future :) Needless to say, Merrick is excited about being accepted and is looking forward to his induction ceremony (I'll have photos of that) on Dec. 13th. His first activity will be the 15th.


  1. Congratulatioins Merrick! Papa and Grandma Mann are VERY PROUD of YOU too!!!!!!!
